Elegant, tranquil or just practical? The nature of bamboo reveals the remedy’s secrets

I once lived on a farm near Mt Warning, where a majestic clump of yellow stemmed bamboo grew up over 20 feet tall. It grew near the top of a hill, so in a storm when the big winds would rush up the valley, the bamboo would bend right over and nearly touch the ground then bend back up again. Impressive. Just watching this capacity for bending and yielding gives clues about the homeopathic remedy Bambusa arundinacea and there’s a mine of other information to be gained by being near it on a daily basis. It was ever-present up the hill while I was down the hill chasing the chooks. What did I learn about the plant when I lived in northern NSW? It’s an insanely useful plant Despite being hollow, it is really strong  A piece of bamboo makes an elegant wind chime because it’s hollow  You can use it to make beautiful but practical bean trellises and fences It grows surprisingly fast (not like trees) It’s a noisy plant The bamboo canes creak and knock together and sound like a female voice wailing It sheds its leaves so that they lie thick on the ground in a soft […]

from Harbord Homeopathic Clinic https://ift.tt/6S5Urja
I once lived on a farm near Mt Warning, where a majestic clump of yellow stemmed bamboo grew up over 20 feet tall. It grew near the top of a hill, so in a storm when the big winds would rush up the valley, the bamboo would bend right over and nearly touch the ground then bend back up again. Impressive. Just watching this capacity for bending and yielding gives clues about the homeopathic remedy Bambusa arundinacea and there’s a mine of other information to be gained by being near it on a daily basis. It was ever-present up the hill while I was down the hill chasing the chooks. What did I learn about the plant when I lived in northern NSW? It’s an insanely useful plant Despite being hollow, it is really strong  A piece of bamboo makes an elegant wind chime because it’s hollow  You can use it to make beautiful but practical bean trellises and fences It grows surprisingly fast (not like trees) It’s a noisy plant The bamboo canes creak and knock together and sound like a female voice wailing It sheds its leaves so that they lie thick on the ground in a soft […] https://ift.tt/W9Kku6V Linlee

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